
What is Dry Needling, how is it different to Acupuncture

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Dry needling and acupuncture, the needles look the same, but how are the different? The common denominator between each technique is the very fine needles.That’s where the similarities end.






Acupuncture is  used by practitioners of traditional chinese medicine.  Acupuncture is used to treat a large scope of conditions ranging from infertility  to high blood pressure.

An acupuncturist will determine the positioning the needles your symptoms, based on your complaint.  The needle positioning is determined by 12 meridian pathways. The needles are  placed at specific  meridian points, which correlate to specific body systems and internal organs.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is the use of acupuncture needles to decrease the tone and tension of muscles and fascia. It is  effective for the treatment and relief of pain associated with musculo-skeletal pain and sports injuries such as low back and neck pain. Dry needling is a technique used by chiropractors and other health professionals.

Dry needling is based on western anatomical and physiological principles. Dry needling has numerous benefits;

  • increase blood flow at site of injury which will increase healing
  • a neurological response which will cause the release of pain inhibiting hormones
  • reducing muscle spasm
  • reducing pain

Dry needling is most effective when is used in conjunction with other treatment techniques, such as chiropractic joint manipulation/ mobilisation, myofascial release and exercise rehabilitation. It is effective for the treatment of tension headaches, neck pain low back pain, sciatica and sports injuries.

Vaughn Bolack- Fluid Chiropractic

What are those bruises on Michael Phelps shoulders…Cupping Therapy!

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What are those bruises on Michael Phelps shoulders…Cupping Therapy!

So you have been enjoying watching Michael Phelps create history at the Rio Olympic games.. But what is with those crazy circular bruises over his back and shoulders,  The answer is simple, Cupping Therapy.  And his chiropractor Kevin Rindal is responsible for the bruises!

Phelps cupping

What is Cupping Therapy?


Cupping therapy is an an old chinese technique. A therapist applies suction cups to your body, a pump is then used to create a vacuum. The vacuum causes the skin to be drawn into the cup.

This process is thought to draw blood into the tissue, along with stretching and contraction of the muscles. This increase in blood flow to the tissues is thought to, speed up the healing process,  reducing muscle soreness and increasing recovery time.

cupping image


Does It Work?

Ask the chinese therapist and they would say yes, and  by the look of Michael Phelps shoulders so would he. Scientist’s  however, are yet to conclusively prove any know effect. This does not necessarily mean that they don’t have an effect.

For more information about cupping therapy read this article  http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/08/08/what-are-the-purple-dots-on-michael-phelps-cupping-has-an-olympic-moment/



Fluid Chiropractic

Great Gentle Exercises that Improve your Spinal Flexibility

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Great Gentle Exercises that Improve your Spinal Flexibility.


Spines are designed to move, bend twist and  work. Guess what happens when  we  spent more hours sitting than moving .We shorten our muscle length, thicken our ligaments, and reduce the overall capacity of joints to move.  Combine this with our muscle fibre becoming less elastic as we age, stiffness is the end result.

So What Can you Do?
Sit less, move more!
  • Try these 2 gentle stretches to get you moving again!
Cat/ Camel Stretch
  • Perfect beginners stretch. Mobilises, the spine, imbibes healthy nutrients into the joints and discs. An oil change for your spine.


Image result for cat camel stretch

  • Get down onto  your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips  in the table top position.
  •  Tuck your chin onto your chest ,  round your back towards the ceiling until you feel a stretch in your lower, middle and up back (see  picture). Hold  the stretch for 2 seconds. Try to  exhale as you  do this movement.
  • Taking a breath in, drop your stomach and spine towards the floor, whilst looking up at the roof (see picture).  hold for 2  seconds. The stretch should  be felt in the muscles of the lower, middle and upper back adjacent to the spine.
  • Repeat the movement, 5 time in each direction.
  • Stop the stretch if it causes any pain.
Kneeling lunge Stretch
  • Great Stretch for opening the hips after a long period of sitting.

Image result for kneeling lunge stretch

  • Kneel in the lunge position with left knee , resting a towel or pillow. The right leg is forward as pictured with the right foot flat on the floor.
  • Your back should be straight and you shoulders directly over your hips
  • To begin stretch, lean forward with the right leg/knee, remember to keep your back straight, and shoulders over the knees. Try no to arch the back
  • The stretch will be felt in the upper thigh and front of the hip of the left leg.
  •  Hold a gentle stretch for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat both sides aim to do 3 times daily
  • Stop if you experience any pain

Both stretches are a great way, to improve your spinal flexibility. These exercises are so important to a healthy spine given to nearly every patient we see at Fluid Chiropractic.


Stay tuned for more stretches next week.