
Is my Neck causing my Headaches?

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Causes of Headaches

Headaches are often multi-factorial in cause. Neck stiffness, stress, hormones, dehydration, foods can all be triggers that can lead to headaches. The most common type of headache seen in Fluid Chiropractic is cervico-genic or tension headache.

Cervico-genic and tension headaches are caused by stiffness and dysfunction in the joints and muscles of the neck. See the nerves from the upper neck communicate with the nerves of the face and skull. Muscle Tightness and poor joint movement from the neck and jaw can refer pain to the head and skull and can be felt as a headache.

Signs that your neck is causing your headaches are:
– Neck movement aggravates your headache
– Headache is eased by pressure at the base of the skull
– On the days away from your desk, the headaches are lighter.

How Can Fluid Chiropractic Help?

The first step is to accurately diagnose your headaches. If the cause is not  joint or muscle related we will send you off to your GP for further examination. Otherwise we will provide a treatment plan, that  uses a variety of techniques, including:
– Mobilisation of stiff joints
– Headache relief exercises
– Dry needling to improve muscle flexibility
– Postural and ergonomic advice

Vaughn Bolack- Chiropractor